Access a wealth of policy-specific information and find answers to frequently asked questions in our FAQ & Knowledge Base. This valuable resource covers topics related to benefits, office procedures, and more.

How do I sign up for a course?

Just click our course schedule and choose the course you want to sign up for

What is your depost policy?

That depends on our course, but our core courses are to be paid in full at the time of registration.  For private courses and some of our advanced courses, a 50% deposit is due upon reserving the course. 

Is CPR included ?

This is dependent upon the type of course you are enrolling in; please see the course description for details. 

I lost my certification.

Please check your email for the certification. Check with the issuing organization depending on the certificate you obtained with NWLI.  Here are links to find your certification. 

Can I earn continuing education credits?

A number of courses will qualify as continuing ed credits for some courses. Please reach out to classes@nwli.org for information concerning your course. 

How do I sign up for a course?

Just click our course schedule and choose the course you want to sign up for